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Website Payments:
Browse our new on-line catalogue and enter your order details into the shopping cart.
It is pretty straight forward,when you order on-line, you can check out your shopping cart using our very secure payment service.
Credit/Debit Card Payments :
Credit card payments can be made through our website shopping cart where you have the option of paying on your credit card or through Paypal & Stripe it is your choice, and are both secure ways of payment.
Please call free on (0808) 1696 442 we will take payment over the phone when available.
The details we will need are:
Long Card Number, Expirey Date, Security Number (Last 3 digits on the back)
Name and address the card is registered to.
Your Card detail are not kept by us they are distroyed once payment has been taken.
Bank Transfer:
Please contact us at: for our bank details.
Or call us free on (0808) 1696 442
Paypal Payments:
All PayPal payments must be sent to
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